Game-by-game performance:
Game | Perf ratio | CADIAPLAYER_PROLOG:3.0 states per second | REKKURA_BACKWARD_PROVER:1.0.0 states per second |
DRESDEN/golden_rectangle/1uloXw | 0.011686693843427012 | 5.535412803409814 | 473.6508783040565 |
DRESDEN/quad/JPe6fg | 0.27966391089060566 | 50.23026315789474 | 179.60938541527796 |
BASE/quad/tw-Ufg | 0.28008729313909453 | 52.32912774085845 | 186.83149511845656 |
BASE/golden_rectangle/_nYzfw | 0.29935271922393053 | 137.01915070774353 | 457.7180760641312 |
BASE/queens16ug/gT-ylw | 0.35756570782481467 | 96.8374846197333 | 270.8243058564714 |
BASE/majorities/ibJzSQ | 0.4255472688095255 | 165.08714957916362 | 387.94080394640355 |
BASE/factoringMediumTurtleBrain/8RBqmQ | 0.4780707095201278 | 673.8566007589375 | 1409.5333333333333 |
BASE/wallmaze/uxNQ9g | 0.5357383430838982 | 381.14726825048245 | 711.4429519016032 |
BASE/queens12ug/u6Bkmg | 0.5593796067345259 | 268.9310689310689 | 480.76666666666665 |
DRESDEN/quad_7x7/q-JOXg | 0.5606794043370812 | 359.1338477913784 | 640.5333333333333 |
BASE/quad_7x7/q-JOXg | 0.5665902974009113 | 364.48753831800616 | 643.3 |
DRESDEN/ggp-course2013_michal13/jWKddg | 0.6464270143678134 | 305.2757554602573 | 472.25092496916767 |
DRESDEN/small_dominion/yB5GJA | 0.6872298882921044 | 13.78076655513963 | 20.052629825788614 |
BASE/simultaneousWin2/PfjRjw | 0.7279774434763656 | 951.830507345348 | 1307.5 |
DRESDEN/hallway/0H4l-Q | 0.7406735655042673 | 205.04313205043132 | 276.8333333333333 |
BASE/hallway/ckCJOw | 0.7530203056543661 | 205.0839583195062 | 272.3485100993267 |
BASE/tictactoex9/BI26ow | 0.8031740165272109 | 514.8880895283773 | 641.0666666666667 |
DRESDEN/tictactoex9/rFkD4w | 0.8068631535096855 | 516.5 | 640.1333333333333 |
BASE/lightsOnSimul4/9FeASw | 0.8304852462031939 | 1059.090151641393 | 1275.2666666666667 |
BASE/catcha_mouse/cHv4dw | 0.8554621669192752 | 1043.492751208132 | 1219.8 |
DRESDEN/catcha_mouse/cHv4dw | 0.8577018773418844 | 1041.8790604697651 | 1214.7333333333333 |
BASE/zhadu/DlA8iQ | 0.890814396455308 | 33.570274636510504 | 37.68492602958816 |
BASE/lightsOnSimultaneous/_VN6lw | 0.9777664581070373 | 1447.192134644226 | 1480.1 |
STANFORD/multipletictactoe/_bkafQ | 0.9957099043434903 | 616.0125274871726 | 618.6666666666666 |
STANFORD/multiplesukoshi/vLSQPg | 1.0433640502136339 | 388.46626582068234 | 372.32092263591215 |
BASE/queens08ug/kJ_ZFQ | 1.0782323825802087 | 1009.3333333333334 | 936.1 |
DRESDEN/lightson2x2/gBHuig | 1.0986383473993797 | 4822.839238692043 | 4389.833333333333 |
DRESDEN/lightsout2/LFtfyQ | 1.1101717470994297 | 3235.0098323500983 | 2913.9724018398774 |
DRESDEN/lightsout/XgLpzQ | 1.1668522816775282 | 3233.8922035932137 | 2771.4666666666667 |
BASE/lightsOnParallel/SC6enA | 1.187465810851434 | 4587.180427319089 | 3863.0 |
BASE/tron_10x10/7ZTgDg | 1.2221698113207546 | 1554.6 | 1272.0 |
DRESDEN/blocker/S815zQ | 1.2459244702665755 | 4860.766666666666 | 3901.3333333333335 |
STANFORD/selectivesukoshi/3xmXYg | 1.2602710521723455 | 512.0061194625515 | 406.26666666666665 |
DRESDEN/firefighter/WJmoPw | 1.3276654686138012 | 3706.266666666667 | 2791.5666666666666 |
BASE/firefighter/WJmoPw | 1.3418492636399635 | 3704.398533822059 | 2760.6666666666665 |
BASE/factoringMutuallyAssuredDestruction/NH0LGg | 1.347730300743683 | 3817.49100119984 | 2832.5333333333333 |
DRESDEN/sheep_and_wolf/enAIzQ | 1.3844077272948627 | 843.6760934012858 | 609.4130195660144 |
BASE/conn4/va9Y7A | 1.4072243480848168 | 1627.0327912556652 | 1156.2 |
DRESDEN/cubicup_3player/awDtsQ | 1.423066980414442 | 589.6599906846762 | 414.3585641435856 |
BASE/lightsOut/5P1ZBw | 1.435311882193858 | 3224.236768430876 | 2246.366666666667 |
BASE/factoringGeorgeForman/HGRorQ | 1.4838856529203481 | 9501.616612779573 | 6403.2 |
BASE/cubicup_3player/e2yA_g | 1.4977852470699877 | 594.1817215727949 | 396.70688620758614 |
BASE/blocker/dIWtxg | 1.5363994648854866 | 4878.170727642412 | 3175.0666666666666 |
DRESDEN/latenttictactoe/kITHKg | 1.5488041487606303 | 2847.1666666666665 | 1838.3 |
BASE/withConviction/3Xm54A | 1.5679782032999992 | 2398.0135981869084 | 1529.3666666666666 |
BASE/onestep/xi53wA | 1.589828429779286 | 24456.966666666667 | 15383.4 |
DRESDEN/sum15/CsgWKg | 1.6411394746577874 | 8280.533333333333 | 5045.6 |
BASE/sum15/QZ07Kg | 1.6566817378410046 | 8342.0 | 5035.366666666667 |
BASE/factoringEasyTurtleBrain/lUj94Q | 1.6904217986436796 | 4962.345884705098 | 2935.5666666666666 |
DRESDEN/blocks2player/3ev8nQ | 1.6909777806236792 | 7922.4 | 4685.1 |
BASE/lightsOn/MsXu3A | 1.6924534032122172 | 9983.500549981667 | 5898.833333333333 |
BASE/blocks2player/wnTLOQ | 1.6951907297392201 | 7885.066666666667 | 4651.433333333333 |
BASE/tictactoe_orthogonal/WRzlVw | 1.7094198095669184 | 7049.533333333334 | 4123.933333333333 |
DRESDEN/tictactoe_orthogonal/y69QFQ | 1.7207080915433264 | 7037.466666666666 | 4089.866666666667 |
STANFORD/triplesukoshi/Iu9mbA | 1.7389107538380095 | 2283.247783481101 | 1313.0333333333333 |
DRESDEN/racetrackcorridor/O0DoTA | 1.7662844389089745 | 1535.5488150394988 | 869.3666666666667 |
DRESDEN/slidingpieces/s9_44g | 1.7933968924445507 | 1440.6474820143885 | 803.3065564481184 |
BASE/slidingpieces/uFJWEw | 1.8063275505426577 | 1455.7193729823277 | 805.9 |
DRESDEN/chomp/-LcqYQ | 1.8567996404867257 | 3580.9 | 1928.5333333333333 |
BASE/racetrackcorridor/_RkdUg | 1.8802054059637872 | 1781.1812545830278 | 947.3333333333334 |
DRESDEN/tictactoe/BTTzPw | 1.893161929558111 | 6980.466666666666 | 3687.2 |
BASE/coloredtrails/EZvr7g | 1.9215360655116747 | 3075.994933671089 | 1600.8 |
BASE/chomp/-LcqYQ | 1.946185484458033 | 3564.633333333333 | 1831.6 |
DRESDEN/connect4/T0-rHQ | 1.9483384722101689 | 1307.2052256215425 | 670.9333333333333 |
BASE/queens06ug/7Lq3tw | 1.9489048220466125 | 2271.448570095327 | 1165.5 |
BASE/eotcatcit/AfZSzA | 1.954654028436019 | 6873.866666666667 | 3516.6666666666665 |
DRESDEN/mimikry/GJEhwA | 1.959587428168018 | 1591.642228739003 | 812.2333333333333 |
BASE/blocksWorld/SEdXLQ | 1.963408311022286 | 13884.7 | 7071.733333333334 |
DRESDEN/blocks/vg0DRw | 1.9649573182727698 | 13650.1 | 6946.766666666666 |
DRESDEN/eotcatcit/mQUxzA | 1.9839886072782558 | 6872.933333333333 | 3464.2 |
DRESDEN/doubletictactoe/lJzgmQ | 1.9863314759004682 | 4030.3989867004434 | 2029.0666666666666 |
BASE/dotsAndBoxes/EHwA_w | 1.987688503298706 | 1586.307938199254 | 798.0666666666667 |
BASE/dotsAndBoxesSuicide/jzQbLw | 1.9879563312089905 | 1583.1556503198294 | 796.3734542181927 |
BASE/connect4/50bOyw | 1.9924141740970553 | 1310.2115608862237 | 657.6 |
BASE/blocks/xIV5hQ | 1.993318220351091 | 13951.5 | 6999.133333333333 |
DRESDEN/bunk_t/7-tPfA | 1.9952002603425512 | 3976.4341188627045 | 1993.0 |
DRESDEN/blockerparallel/dVQgSg | 2.0000148475389214 | 1349.6983634969836 | 674.844171860938 |
BASE/toetictac/mTThmg | 2.0117342385181503 | 9166.4 | 4556.466666666666 |
BASE/blockerParallel/7-nDJA | 2.0219580551779988 | 1353.4313235343132 | 669.3666666666667 |
BASE/doubletoetictac/fu35bg | 2.0338354220451706 | 3965.233333333333 | 1949.6333333333334 |
DRESDEN/tictactoe-init1/3ltIBQ | 2.039714664368309 | 6981.166666666667 | 3422.6192460251323 |
DRESDEN/toetictac/mJtxCA | 2.047903029579263 | 9145.866666666667 | 4465.966666666666 |
DRESDEN/doubletoetictac/V89gKQ | 2.049767773567556 | 4001.9666011132963 | 1952.4 |
BASE/doubletictactoe/HH1htg | 2.0616778420433026 | 4027.9 | 1953.7 |
BASE/sudokuGrade6H/ieE_9A | 2.089969107400959 | 383.509331208076 | 183.5 |
BASE/bunk_t/xbpfIA | 2.0907184470553477 | 3980.867304423186 | 1904.0666666666666 |
DRESDEN/troublemaker01/C-lPWw | 2.0981102937709246 | 23730.466666666667 | 11310.4 |
DRESDEN/chickentictactoe/Ipbo-g | 2.0996279189119837 | 6545.8 | 3117.6 |
BASE/futoshiki6/JmvXNA | 2.100850373834371 | 1129.8696970706835 | 537.8154061531283 |
BASE/tictactoe-init1/7M19vA | 2.111434792250469 | 6982.233333333334 | 3306.866666666667 |
BASE/troublemaker01/s3tlEQ | 2.1180075527706457 | 23593.333333333332 | 11139.4 |
BASE/sudokuGrade2/u80Tfw | 2.124010908141907 | 419.22385675297875 | 197.3736835088655 |
BASE/futoshiki5/TJ4BZg | 2.1473527535615564 | 1683.1666666666667 | 783.8333333333334 |
BASE/sudokuGrade4/DTy07w | 2.150891667833437 | 415.9824485589868 | 193.4 |
DRESDEN/cube_2x2x2/fp-34Q | 2.161935465088085 | 2641.957202853143 | 1222.0333333333333 |
BASE/sudokuGrade6E/ihYFZA | 2.1626656530539816 | 381.5535916007708 | 176.42745241825273 |
BASE/blockerSerial/3eqDuw | 2.164510722629443 | 2086.227584827678 | 963.8333333333334 |
DRESDEN/cubicup/SBn_lw | 2.1755131491640594 | 1007.6976906927922 | 463.2 |
BASE/cubicup/4wNWJA | 2.193257335323725 | 1013.3635485053487 | 462.03586427571497 |
STANFORD/sudoku/oJ1qyQ | 2.1952310267911757 | 408.6788428209572 | 186.16666666666666 |
DRESDEN/tictactoelarge/IwXcbg | 2.2026696771525787 | 5448.303446436904 | 2473.5 |
BASE/sudokuGrade5/BQfUQA | 2.2050831381031766 | 417.52749083638787 | 189.34773189347732 |
STANFORD/tictactoe7/-bE9-A | 2.2112912479017486 | 6938.0 | 3137.5333333333333 |
BASE/ticTacToe/JRFsaQ | 2.2278252369416465 | 6989.133333333333 | 3137.2 |
DRESDEN/chickentoetictac/cxYaRQ | 2.241714641356776 | 8644.5 | 3856.2 |
BASE/sudokuGrade3/eI8dvg | 2.2438154711880616 | 413.9091605851578 | 184.46666666666667 |
DRESDEN/tictactoelargesuicide/6J4DeA | 2.24933442657046 | 5487.551244875513 | 2439.633333333333 |
BASE/chickentoetictac/l57rfQ | 2.2579712945558037 | 8568.7 | 3794.866666666667 |
BASE/sudokuGrade1/tDRNRw | 2.273426350792866 | 430.7999334774655 | 189.49368354388187 |
STANFORD/tictactoe/ss1kyQ | 2.2816437881609146 | 7025.333333333333 | 3079.0666666666666 |
BASE/cittaceot/fDxhXg | 2.3082309962058223 | 1556.0554555755516 | 674.1333333333333 |
STANFORD/trifecta/ss1kyQ | 2.317400881057269 | 7014.0 | 3026.6666666666665 |
BASE/brain_teaser_extended/ZDp94A | 2.3359477865065292 | 7673.744208526383 | 3285.0666666666666 |
BASE/buttons/hTcUjw | 2.3382591143562013 | 18766.4 | 8025.8 |
STANFORD/breakthrough/d5j0cQ | 2.3398999950687323 | 2119.793402199267 | 905.9333333333333 |
DRESDEN/buttons/ADUaHw | 2.3439571323361355 | 18459.6 | 7875.4 |
DRESDEN/grid_game/U7_Yeg | 2.3447025809736606 | 1339.919368273748 | 571.4666666666667 |
STANFORD/tictactoe5/WFRReg | 2.350714914955614 | 6937.9 | 2951.4 |
BASE/switches/tPUoCg | 2.3575377771687283 | 14909.933333333332 | 6324.366666666667 |
DRESDEN/brain_teaser_extended/ZDp94A | 2.3616857054646494 | 7649.5 | 3239.0 |
BASE/chickentictactoe/DSlZCA | 2.363521753360891 | 6499.133333333333 | 2749.766666666667 |
BASE/futoshiki4/BaCwSw | 2.3933312677264817 | 3347.233333333333 | 1398.5666666666666 |
DRESDEN/knightmove/97Ipcw | 2.4076020212689464 | 986.4419201172591 | 409.7196760107996 |
BASE/haystack/UkweGA | 2.45901850042074 | 33800.76666666667 | 13745.633333333333 |
STANFORD/tictactoe3/X7myng | 2.462962523155845 | 6913.7 | 2807.0666666666666 |
DRESDEN/troublemaker02/iZLVuA | 2.4712026744907747 | 23358.466666666667 | 9452.266666666666 |
BASE/troublemaker02/DI83KA | 2.486827703272529 | 23098.733333333334 | 9288.433333333332 |
STANFORD/duidoku/3SoMaA | 2.4924811422738813 | 400.7241803142544 | 160.77320446592233 |
BASE/tictactoe_3d_small_6player/g_9lww | 2.5439401477061216 | 1665.1784226835039 | 654.5666666666667 |
BASE/knightmove/jBaJEw | 2.5560319559759517 | 984.9766822118588 | 385.353821539282 |
DRESDEN/circlesolitaire/ruUilQ | 2.564798193529522 | 10525.333333333334 | 4103.766666666666 |
DRESDEN/tictactoeparallel/yk_DSg | 2.5827385141248618 | 3425.4 | 1326.2666666666667 |
DRESDEN/peg/Vo31eg | 2.5874643129873203 | 1919.0360321322623 | 741.6666666666666 |
BASE/circlesolitaire/azuQFQ | 2.5888009558961937 | 10544.1 | 4072.9666666666667 |
DRESDEN/tictactoe_3d_small_6player/llDEDQ | 2.6122169102610373 | 1653.0979347101932 | 632.8333333333334 |
DRESDEN/peg_bugfixed/u_B7MA | 2.641277372423522 | 1916.77498916775 | 725.7 |
BASE/eotcitcit/V_9_bg | 2.651009918379998 | 6842.433333333333 | 2581.0666666666666 |
STANFORD/jointbuttonsandlights/qAKuIQ | 2.6533795113236147 | 12079.333333333334 | 4552.433333333333 |
BASE/hex/T1MK8g | 2.6664518419245695 | 349.53688278803224 | 131.0868913108689 |
BASE/ticTacToeLarge/TZC0dg | 2.676164686354418 | 5432.97113525765 | 2030.1333333333334 |
BASE/breakthroughSmallHoles/bxclRw | 2.6824149898277128 | 2936.439689364397 | 1094.7 |
BASE/tictactoe2/bhrDoQ | 2.6825607479836298 | 10443.566666666668 | 3893.133333333333 |
STANFORD/hex/MTqWcw | 2.7074913474827516 | 356.29398486256804 | 131.59561347955068 |
DRESDEN/tictictoe/LAUtwg | 2.7079450970040915 | 6839.366666666667 | 2525.6666666666665 |
BASE/hexPie/48CH6Q | 2.710414258419831 | 342.21215955250716 | 126.25824945003666 |
DRESDEN/tpeg/h-Scbg | 2.7409150583073063 | 1980.7679488034132 | 722.6666666666666 |
BASE/ticTacToeLargeSuicide/727_8g | 2.7719517129754516 | 5480.333333333333 | 1977.0666666666666 |
BASE/double_tictactoe_dengji/zgaSbA | 2.796610747058161 | 3818.6787547496833 | 1365.4666666666667 |
BASE/blocksWorldSerial/Wyg96Q | 2.8021881145595513 | 8264.4 | 2949.266666666667 |
BASE/tpeg/QNs7Lw | 2.815590935754563 | 1981.8006066464452 | 703.8666666666667 |
BASE/roshambo2/KNPokQ | 2.8418004803091756 | 15343.733333333334 | 5399.3 |
BASE/ticTacToeSerial/Amrwqw | 2.889990420779716 | 3340.732593407326 | 1155.9666666666667 |
BASE/numbertictactoe/rvJ-iQ | 2.9030318009556764 | 5872.833333333333 | 2023.0 |
DRESDEN/double_tictactoe_dengji/bGaUyQ | 2.90911657671324 | 3814.918508149185 | 1311.3666666666666 |
DRESDEN/ggp-course2013_jordi/9QI6Kw | 2.9262080939345028 | 845.9385620043979 | 289.09036365454483 |
STANFORD/buttonsandlights/eyhJpA | 2.933883402486818 | 28896.6 | 9849.266666666666 |
DRESDEN/roshambo2/jgSlkQ | 2.9460509500966476 | 15292.066666666668 | 5190.7 |
DRESDEN/tictactoe_3player/ESLQQQ | 2.950182636455978 | 2869.937668744375 | 972.8 |
STANFORD/tictictoe/rpt_Dw | 2.9565711586436976 | 6676.233333333334 | 2258.1 |
STANFORD/duikoshi/tpw1sw | 2.9934988915734673 | 4006.0 | 1338.2333333333333 |
BASE/tictactoe_3d_small_2player/oOryKA | 3.0604325959847896 | 2494.883503883204 | 815.2061597946736 |
BASE/ticTicToe/c1OobQ | 3.0888178239029758 | 6825.566666666667 | 2209.766666666667 |
BASE/incredible/8Qh-6Q | 3.116951402782288 | 7374.18752708243 | 2365.8333333333335 |
DRESDEN/tictactoe_3d_small_2player/HYttcg | 3.136328413517928 | 2514.4990333977735 | 801.7333333333333 |
DRESDEN/blocksworldparallel/2JfVaw | 3.1604192016328456 | 8051.8 | 2547.7 |
STANFORD/sukoshi/4LYZZQ | 3.171024536190562 | 8266.966666666667 | 2607.0333333333333 |
BASE/ticTacToeParallel/ymRGPw | 3.190028462694682 | 3324.9666666666667 | 1042.3 |
BASE/ticTacHeavenFC/mrletw | 3.1989424782607294 | 2041.9235511713932 | 638.3120562647912 |
BASE/survival/YVIjJA | 3.2015295993546316 | 33865.566666666666 | 10577.933333333332 |
BASE/tictactoe_3player/GtM71g | 3.27723200701307 | 2866.813318668133 | 874.7666666666667 |
STANFORD/multiplebuttonsandlights/cK70Yg | 3.2784255810967 | 17019.4 | 5191.333333333333 |
BASE/hodgepodge/9yjRkw | 3.2963179427235536 | 10904.0 | 3307.9333333333334 |
STANFORD/bestbuttonsandlights/nm0wEA | 3.297404978258999 | 16607.6 | 5036.566666666667 |
BASE/snake2p/I3wWPQ | 3.2980534904525407 | 3563.766666666667 | 1080.5666666666666 |
BASE/untwistycomplex2/EDPPAQ | 3.3222567807442904 | 21398.766666666666 | 6441.033333333334 |
STANFORD/untwistycorridor/EDPPAQ | 3.3459081213522457 | 21803.833333333332 | 6516.566666666667 |
STANFORD/multiplebuttonsandlights_9/SqB9BA | 3.412942927241282 | 16971.2 | 4972.6 |
DRESDEN/backgammon/mqCW0Q | 3.5235090900141803 | 1100.3552103044185 | 312.28959034698846 |
BASE/pearls/6k_mEQ | 3.531275214132951 | 33408.1 | 9460.633333333333 |
BASE/maze/cCX3qQ | 3.6061848624636936 | 21810.566666666666 | 6048.1 |
DRESDEN/8puzzle/8fKC2w | 3.6652934397362658 | 8261.449236717552 | 2253.9666666666667 |
STANFORD/bestbuttonsandlightsbig/g0JC6g | 3.7219891064971318 | 13689.6 | 3678.0333333333333 |
STANFORD/3puzzle/41ibjA | 3.8493918925374273 | 13430.4 | 3488.9666666666667 |
DRESDEN/stratego/Z2wovg | 3.8534931750868133 | 2587.749116843298 | 671.5333333333333 |
BASE/ticTacHeaven/18n58A | 3.854121197288112 | 2708.676377454085 | 702.8 |
DRESDEN/uf20-020.cnf.SAT/hDrW_A | 3.859820246638334 | 1846.6666666666667 | 478.43333333333334 |
DRESDEN/chinesecheckers1/Y-ftaA | 3.9063754364597254 | 2515.231302493001 | 643.8785373820873 |
STANFORD/threepuzzle/41ibjA | 3.991594648987806 | 13486.8 | 3378.8 |
DRESDEN/bidding-tictactoe/yW5vTA | 4.041227016262957 | 5282.55724809173 | 1307.1666666666667 |
BASE/nim4/twk16w | 4.092186213562438 | 5623.345888470384 | 1374.1666666666667 |
DRESDEN/nim4/F5YAYg | 4.104700287280013 | 5667.633333333333 | 1380.7666666666667 |
DRESDEN/uf20-010.cnf.SAT/5ICbCg | 4.152177721401691 | 1986.3356107315446 | 478.3840538648712 |
DRESDEN/nim3/sG_axA | 4.159000838278196 | 5709.476350788307 | 1372.8 |
BASE/blocksWorldParallel/RseaAQ | 4.15922134784924 | 7029.5 | 1690.1 |
BASE/snakeParallel/RCVNtw | 4.197946377638335 | 9566.7 | 2278.9 |
BASE/nineBoardTicTacToePie/B8LzeQ | 4.220028510109848 | 3171.808368869936 | 751.6082797240092 |
BASE/nim3/1OwUqw | 4.222522926515846 | 5721.518565428972 | 1355.0 |
DRESDEN/pawn_whopping/4ogBkg | 4.250864834480764 | 4751.049930004667 | 1117.6666666666667 |
BASE/hidato19/rRHSmA | 4.354433704638521 | 2653.156456236251 | 609.3 |
DRESDEN/pawn_whopping_corrected/7Ov0jQ | 4.385780595459338 | 4675.38830744617 | 1066.0333333333333 |
BASE/3pConnectFour/PqXOFQ | 4.446241783062575 | 3476.368242117192 | 781.8666666666667 |
BASE/nim2/eF2Qqw | 4.496378606648265 | 6352.933333333333 | 1412.9 |
BASE/eightPuzzle/vLrgFg | 4.530527540811347 | 8233.176682331767 | 1817.2666666666667 |
STANFORD/8puzzle/jNiGtw | 4.533404783406853 | 8234.627562072988 | 1816.4333333333334 |
DRESDEN/sat_test_20v_91c/dK7nVw | 4.546123055847004 | 2182.8967539825367 | 480.1666666666667 |
DRESDEN/nim2/z5_exA | 4.561608548394791 | 6375.0 | 1397.5333333333333 |
DRESDEN/quad_5x5/JAEP5g | 4.5641539904634705 | 958.1680610646312 | 209.93333333333334 |
BASE/biddingTicTacToe/8mESVw | 4.612765474053168 | 5267.624412519583 | 1141.9666666666667 |
DRESDEN/nim1/M9BALA | 4.621668620560463 | 6606.213126229126 | 1429.4 |
BASE/ticTacToeNoVars/XT03NA | 4.631761103962374 | 10438.6 | 2253.7 |
BASE/nim1/hin2Qw | 4.674580481859942 | 6648.5 | 1422.2666666666667 |
DRESDEN/pawn_whopping_simultaneous/r8dLfw | 4.686871086561255 | 3511.7162761241293 | 749.2666666666667 |
BASE/quad_5x5/JAEP5g | 4.727132853883682 | 963.1357909472702 | 203.74629203746292 |
STANFORD/nineboardtictactoe/y28P-A | 4.789061050287623 | 3441.1 | 718.5333333333333 |
DRESDEN/tictactoe_3d_6player/ulZPWg | 4.835371144123104 | 626.1330311916822 | 129.4901699433522 |
BASE/nineBoardTicTacToe/wRmqqA | 4.856655663832333 | 3444.825862356274 | 709.3 |
DRESDEN/javastrike/whONTQ | 4.966316992856296 | 1358.0316182052213 | 273.4484367708819 |
BASE/tictactoe_3d_6player/d7KSwg | 5.028630679872123 | 629.6050006649821 | 125.20406463434949 |
DRESDEN/Thief_Police/CX18rA | 5.0929301083447465 | 12933.835538815372 | 2539.5666666666666 |
DRESDEN/quad_5x5_8_2/JRTLJg | 5.132166810518074 | 1092.5290610531927 | 212.87871212878713 |
BASE/pegEuro/5awwhg | 5.1566265560004965 | 1626.9791006966434 | 315.51229918005464 |
DRESDEN/CatchMeIfYouCanTest/CX18rA | 5.164483819740273 | 13155.489634024398 | 2547.3 |
DRESDEN/catch_me/ghGWrA | 5.230490615883546 | 13123.475304939013 | 2509.0333333333333 |
DRESDEN/Catch-Me-If-You-Can/ghGWrA | 5.277542174477251 | 13149.7 | 2491.633333333333 |
DRESDEN/sat_test_20v_91c_version2/a1mPBA | 5.303447159734585 | 2184.5210319312046 | 411.90587294180386 |
BASE/connectFourSimultaneous/7ITr3g | 5.305669091377414 | 2898.310168983102 | 546.2666666666667 |
DRESDEN/uf20-01.cnf.SAT/42Rs8A | 5.329612835716777 | 2037.2654244858504 | 382.25392486917104 |
DRESDEN/sat_test_20v_91c_visualisation/aw8BIA | 5.364378889348215 | 2162.6666666666665 | 403.1532282257258 |
DRESDEN/connectfoursuicide/M9CNQg | 5.429891873559371 | 5166.361121295957 | 951.4666666666667 |
DRESDEN/connectfour/5tc-Mg | 5.465215865215865 | 5190.133333333333 | 949.6666666666666 |
DRESDEN/oisters_farm/pTQMLg | 5.5771828356750675 | 15793.280447970135 | 2831.766666666667 |
BASE/coins/QnGtnQ | 5.5838950584355755 | 7676.366666666667 | 1374.7333333333333 |
DRESDEN/coins/QwFP9w | 5.6400423103414346 | 7642.633333333333 | 1355.0666666666666 |
BASE/coins_atomic/AA3SSw | 5.6850779947022465 | 7726.4 | 1359.0666666666666 |
BASE/pawnWhopping/Ypc_6Q | 5.7354846696653325 | 4632.933333333333 | 807.7666666666667 |
STANFORD/connectfour/VMpZkQ | 5.819455369517175 | 5178.733333333334 | 889.9 |
BASE/connectFourSuicide/c8p9Kw | 5.9422807084075995 | 5223.066666666667 | 878.9666666666667 |
BASE/peg/fJHVWw | 5.947216047336734 | 1910.5785895213971 | 321.2559581347288 |
BASE/connectFour/WAIKTw | 6.034677606625899 | 5197.466666666666 | 861.2666666666667 |
DRESDEN/hanoi/RQ0jiA | 6.093264763115047 | 10228.966666666667 | 1678.7333333333333 |
BASE/connectFour_9x6/B9TtMw | 6.191053634033198 | 4977.400753308223 | 803.9666666666667 |
DRESDEN/tictactoe_3d_2player/LMuX9w | 6.22199322604737 | 836.2358895807665 | 134.4 |
BASE/hanoi/iGLsJg | 6.288117692787803 | 10215.885607626158 | 1624.6333333333334 |
BASE/tictactoe_3d_2player/IUC1rQ | 6.303066826769854 | 841.8932862896515 | 133.56883393874762 |
BASE/sheepAndWolf/g4THrg | 6.484293346052472 | 834.9608398600234 | 128.76666666666668 |
STANFORD/untwistycomplex/HTWEwg | 6.545482302386069 | 19293.9 | 2947.6666666666665 |
DRESDEN/3pttc/uwYBZw | 6.850656246884182 | 5724.6367151046525 | 835.6333333333333 |
DRESDEN/3qbf-5cnf-20var-40cl.0.qdimacs/-6hrIw | 7.24066607264853 | 4350.674887518747 | 600.8666666666667 |
BASE/dualConnect4/WbCQkg | 7.282754909424121 | 3443.9 | 472.8842371920936 |
DRESDEN/bidding-tictactoe_10coins/mu5VhQ | 7.315766922773732 | 4523.582547248425 | 618.3333333333334 |
DRESDEN/aipsrovers01/qS47Mw | 7.407454670464888 | 8393.386887103763 | 1133.1 |
BASE/aipsrovers01/4C4jsw | 7.465206503420299 | 8445.636957536164 | 1131.3333333333333 |
BASE/chinook/XQh0IQ | 7.617530020380076 | 720.1105045932632 | 94.53333333333333 |
BASE/escortLatch/mX9BjQ | 7.673289556259331 | 3362.467095398354 | 438.20411972535163 |
BASE/connectFourLarge/aU644A | 7.7917437421676325 | 4335.066493350665 | 556.3666666666667 |
BASE/biddingTicTacToe_10coins/a-9ccQ | 7.8776719330855025 | 4520.733333333334 | 573.8666666666667 |
DRESDEN/mummymaze2p/k-8edg | 8.001854167123627 | 363.93878908848967 | 45.48180727708917 |
BASE/mummymaze2p/vpjDdA | 8.022173159346526 | 363.72102304852496 | 45.33946298887334 |
DRESDEN/3qbf-5cnf-20var-40cl.1.qdimacs.SAT/2034pg | 8.028370125277924 | 3973.375541486171 | 494.9168361054632 |
BASE/breakthroughSuicideSmall/XSbJog | 8.064890773343166 | 2916.338910739284 | 361.6092260515966 |
DRESDEN/3qbf-5cnf-20var-40cl.1.qdimacs.viz.SAT/2034pg | 8.08583603896104 | 3984.5671810939634 | 492.7835738808706 |
BASE/breakthroughSmall/HJ0tIA | 8.099103661195434 | 2910.720831805912 | 359.38802039932 |
DRESDEN/3qbf-5cnf-20var-40cl.2.qdimacs.SAT/Q8-axQ | 8.28105024774908 | 4160.9517144856545 | 502.46666666666664 |
DRESDEN/bomberman2p/x4h6jQ | 8.406102502527807 | 1108.3 | 131.84469255124145 |
BASE/battlebrushes/arCwyA | 8.507827004219408 | 849.9333333333333 | 99.90016638935109 |
DRESDEN/pentago_2008/hLjVpQ | 8.651940218022691 | 3463.5446157945576 | 400.31998933368885 |
BASE/bomberman2p/4CClwA | 8.817699035863628 | 1110.1483086152307 | 125.9 |
STANFORD/pentago/ZxzLmg | 8.945032406267947 | 3634.2455251491615 | 406.28645711809605 |
BASE/pentago/86NgKw | 9.107250014931438 | 3432.4081170237578 | 376.88743708543046 |
BASE/hidato37/pBrqxw | 9.187053046107819 | 560.0106656001067 | 60.956507248791866 |
BASE/pentagoSuicide/SBgNhw | 9.243851757055086 | 3439.8307061685605 | 372.1209293023566 |
DRESDEN/ggp-course2013_nicolai/uEin8g | 9.466265372269877 | 722.1556886227545 | 76.2872854524246 |
BASE/2pffa_zerosum/o0_uZA | 9.777074811855682 | 5426.095650724879 | 554.9815006166461 |
DRESDEN/frogs_and_toads/GjchhQ | 9.872607937746189 | 2376.099120703437 | 240.67593240675933 |
BASE/endgame/jYjfOA | 10.07538484836162 | 729.5748367319738 | 72.41160985037823 |
DRESDEN/guess/PhxGhg | 10.526778001727614 | 2437.1375241650558 | 231.51789880674622 |
BASE/guess/SPpk1A | 10.536720359472938 | 2444.7888544478888 | 232.0255991466951 |
BASE/checkLines/Vop7oQ | 10.759375809478371 | 7516.966666666666 | 698.6433785540482 |
BASE/blokbox_simple/JBx4bg | 10.776503837711973 | 78.14775585859923 | 7.25167986161932 |
DRESDEN/fizzbuzz/t1xHzQ | 10.96056037304214 | 9372.375174988334 | 855.1 |
DRESDEN/3qbf-5cnf-20var-40cl.2.qdimacs.satlike/724YWg | 10.969849603308251 | 4129.645059156807 | 376.4541181960601 |
DRESDEN/minichess-evilconjuncts/th24Tw | 12.175681461395747 | 2843.643757082861 | 233.55109659356043 |
BASE/minichess-evilconjuncts/4OpQzw | 12.399731708242067 | 2849.871670944302 | 229.83333333333334 |
BASE/asteroids/BKCmPQ | 12.787738966966568 | 16275.381641223918 | 1272.7333333333333 |
BASE/reversiSuicide/9OxJlg | 12.802198009814951 | 456.49068013423266 | 35.65721134638434 |
BASE/reversi/d8UMeA | 12.806691449814126 | 458.6606310744242 | 35.814139262415125 |
DRESDEN/Runners/3bOCQw | 12.834773490790477 | 15077.864071197626 | 1174.7666666666667 |
BASE/qyshinsu/R08Lzw | 13.616422574910748 | 2880.4930867899384 | 211.54551211545513 |
BASE/chineseCheckers4/avfBcQ | 14.00575201107374 | 4227.446929049888 | 301.83648301836485 |
BASE/asteroidsSerial/id2QkA | 14.239492490613728 | 9724.149421840115 | 682.9 |
BASE/asteroidsParallel/WauZiA | 14.292758367183877 | 10409.892344098924 | 728.3333333333334 |
DRESDEN/breakthroughsuicide/Y9QzqQ | 14.346842500866934 | 2027.208845372498 | 141.3 |
DRESDEN/knightthrough/J7Fc_Q | 14.583112764526971 | 1959.4189378290132 | 134.3621879270691 |
BASE/breakthroughHoles/nZk0Sg | 14.63831042461015 | 1864.7964283334443 | 127.39150723285114 |
DRESDEN/pancakes88/aD3E7g | 14.856232162385638 | 18565.833333333332 | 1249.7 |
DRESDEN/breakthroughsuicide_v2/LU1nAw | 14.927045634612567 | 2034.850403145199 | 136.31970136319703 |
DRESDEN/pancakes6/SZXMyQ | 15.044813362529919 | 19695.666666666668 | 1309.1333333333334 |
DRESDEN/breakthrough/z4hK7Q | 15.144529184452825 | 2034.2116659449016 | 134.319901343199 |
STANFORD/platformjumpers/HEQskA | 15.29388400321369 | 389.734219269103 | 25.48301132578281 |
BASE/othello-comp2007/86ZoMw | 15.460577814569536 | 308.5430463576159 | 19.956760352569432 |
BASE/englishDraughts/jFkQxg | 15.484344214664425 | 4007.463681194189 | 258.8074525880745 |
DRESDEN/pancakes/hl9aiQ | 15.50527834129971 | 19531.48228392387 | 1259.6666666666667 |
BASE/breakthroughWalls/vOZaYA | 15.739612903225808 | 2033.0333333333333 | 129.16666666666666 |
BASE/breakthrough/TGxk-g | 15.811672549019606 | 2042.8 | 129.19569347688412 |
BASE/connectFourLarger/qKi60A | 15.881282126776382 | 3349.780117270789 | 210.92630245658478 |
BASE/breakthroughSuicide/wZDpIg | 15.982066186958887 | 2032.115134756971 | 127.14971337155046 |
BASE/minichess/8NQEiA | 16.359057553680984 | 4266.3 | 260.79130695643477 |
DRESDEN/ghostmaze2p/HY0UwA | 18.419608022670552 | 2489.468070923877 | 135.1531513515315 |
DRESDEN/minichess/c7GMFw | 18.681047567020737 | 4103.466666666666 | 219.65934468851037 |
BASE/ghostMaze2p/W-NU-w | 19.170367197579676 | 2488.537918166067 | 129.81169805032494 |
BASE/choicethroughalt/tt71Lg | 19.66657967435765 | 1915.2694910169662 | 97.38701506465804 |
DRESDEN/mummymaze2p-comp2007/oTQRQg | 20.48457837869552 | 2056.240421136803 | 100.37992401519696 |
DRESDEN/endgame/IJhh3Q | 20.525426517604718 | 740.7703585232574 | 36.09037589976006 |
BASE/mummyMaze2p_2007/YGA3Vw | 20.90781906153666 | 2080.0506565353594 | 99.4867351019864 |
BASE/checkers/rOC3Xg | 20.991177685932662 | 1299.8802873104548 | 61.92507665644581 |
BASE/checkersSmall/SYmq8w | 21.323313630806048 | 1849.1955095106432 | 86.72177043060925 |
BASE/checkersTiny/Lr48cg | 21.678356713426854 | 2884.5705143161895 | 133.06223125895804 |
BASE/knightazons/apnJBQ | 24.290947835072163 | 1213.8595380153995 | 49.971682713129226 |
DRESDEN/knightazons/02I8BQ | 24.741437191765186 | 1217.1164276444947 | 49.19344087455006 |
BASE/pancakes/yUgbXw | 24.7629234260738 | 19640.3 | 793.1333333333333 |
BASE/ttcc4_2player_small/Cv72TA | 24.821665538253217 | 6109.859342710486 | 246.1502566495567 |
BASE/pancakes6/QZTdnw | 24.883511738906698 | 19779.07403086564 | 794.8666666666667 |
DRESDEN/racer/vk_ZBA | 25.7238781304824 | 468.3139631689367 | 18.20541835851694 |
BASE/racer/QQYQNw | 26.07633753944453 | 472.3785421730878 | 18.115218115218116 |
BASE/2pttc/unkkYA | 28.206538695652174 | 6054.6 | 214.65235650956603 |
BASE/kitten_escapes_from_fire/uW-YiA | 28.41665800685857 | 18230.233333333334 | 641.5333333333333 |
DRESDEN/kitten_escapes_from_fire/uW-YiA | 28.776220447453323 | 18135.733333333334 | 630.2333333333333 |
BASE/knightThrough/gcwFjA | 28.899983687510336 | 1948.6923205064134 | 67.4288380774615 |
DRESDEN/capture_the_king/EQ229Q | 30.320824228360006 | 1359.4427038197452 | 44.83528196928817 |
DRESDEN/hanoi_6_disks/MeubgQ | 31.365465903863846 | 9091.5 | 289.85700476650777 |
BASE/hanoi_6_disks/MeubgQ | 31.72906518209232 | 9118.933333333332 | 287.4 |
DRESDEN/tttcc4/sAvtFg | 36.8221198156682 | 3994.534244292618 | 108.48191968005332 |
BASE/3pttc/0sol9g | 37.67395798396605 | 5478.684043865204 | 145.42363842410506 |
DRESDEN/amazons/dNB28A | 38.118382458009116 | 438.30295787272183 | 11.498466871083856 |
BASE/ttcc4/Le0qjQ | 38.678480734490975 | 4001.399953334889 | 103.4528729502733 |
BASE/tttcc4/8Bs2lg | 38.731086117720096 | 4007.46517363194 | 103.46895931220634 |
BASE/crossers3/O0rORg | 38.780820890041234 | 1909.181803032828 | 49.23005132991134 |
DRESDEN/connect5/1kYzSg | 38.791203173257074 | 771.3278808431412 | 19.884092725819343 |
DRESDEN/crossers3/xiPTxg | 38.953176848631 | 1911.7725484967668 | 49.07873254922867 |
DRESDEN/Zhadu/9zpQ5w | 39.765769922938496 | 1636.2060921149105 | 41.146093619856735 |
BASE/connect5/d-BVQg | 42.66938937866732 | 776.3241119877492 | 18.193935354881706 |
BASE/chess_200/XsTpYA | 43.25870132071272 | 522.855145320771 | 12.086704624912596 |
STANFORD/ttcc4/Cx9SGw | 43.25978190285826 | 4176.47842745294 | 96.5441397007365 |
BASE/amazons_8x8/7SOsIw | 43.75855025323014 | 2189.822832023445 | 50.04331312054374 |
DRESDEN/god/2EDD5w | 44.63661941677415 | 933.2422343687508 | 20.90754735825815 |
BASE/god/qF06gw | 44.80984098446366 | 930.8655960551743 | 20.77368666355949 |
DRESDEN/uf20-020.cnf.SAT.satlike/WbqXoA | 46.50021388175949 | 1856.6047798406719 | 39.926800865080686 |
BASE/ttcc4_2player/_aH_Mw | 47.89327886859933 | 4451.588174515881 | 92.94807705125642 |
BASE/ttcc4_2player_alt/ZEJvYA | 49.37491065670528 | 4686.387574161722 | 94.91435046324068 |
DRESDEN/hanoi7/51zz5Q | 50.31357797419789 | 8796.994735789965 | 174.8433542194374 |
DRESDEN/uf20-010.cnf.SAT.satlike/g7LF6g | 50.95876108259449 | 2011.1992533831078 | 39.46719289590528 |
DRESDEN/hanoi7_bugfix/3gdnFw | 52.13448343462067 | 8863.122812864523 | 170.00499916680553 |
DRESDEN/satlike_20v_91c/yeuENQ | 52.147652868339854 | 2044.5303646423572 | 39.20656543841579 |
DRESDEN/satlike_20v_91c_version2/yd9ioQ | 52.87556671589218 | 2032.327945342443 | 38.43605036447979 |
BASE/hanoi7_bugfix/3gdnFw | 55.75050529238691 | 8789.996334433003 | 157.66666666666666 |
DRESDEN/twisty-passages/j7NPyg | 55.87181447012907 | 3683.9581807285076 | 65.93589658159526 |
BASE/twisty-passages/DiZmmg | 59.16129117806711 | 3723.21725813969 | 62.93333333333333 |
BASE/racer4/0vs7Ww | 59.490054688938734 | 893.3808825489934 | 15.017314864144913 |
BASE/amazonsSuicide_10x10/XIbQkg | 64.01251571803917 | 1479.343520090549 | 23.11022311022311 |
BASE/amazons_10x10/Bun8dA | 64.10099732130696 | 1477.875811553188 | 23.05542617605962 |
DRESDEN/blobwars/ZaMluQ | 73.03942794957662 | 1302.015658837248 | 17.826202852192456 |
BASE/blobwars/0XT15Q | 73.63903450863961 | 1288.8607510579454 | 17.502412404751606 |
BASE/skirmishZeroSum/zh4hcw | 73.9058129378022 | 1596.700153017098 | 21.604527296937416 |
BASE/speedChess/bPnisA | 76.1516452074392 | 1772.5607725607726 | 23.276723276723278 |
BASE/knightfight/SJRkAg | 87.12126975044299 | 4751.858147518581 | 54.54303135308033 |
DRESDEN/knightfight/4_Ly4w | 89.34848484848486 | 4717.6 | 52.8 |
BASE/amazonsTorus_10x10/Uxc08g | 95.05704136451101 | 1271.8989025606918 | 13.380375449340967 |
DRESDEN/quarto/OQzRYQ | 117.42119836426824 | 3046.396906872875 | 25.944181709185372 |
DRESDEN/quartosuicide/WIU1oQ | 127.06415790019366 | 3048.422034858533 | 23.99120322548399 |
DRESDEN/pawntoqueen/f_x6Aw | 128.76388172801055 | 650.1066240170599 | 5.048827476250581 |
BASE/pawnToQueen/-O1_JA | 130.07514157807623 | 649.3151597960476 | 4.991846650470897 |
BASE/quarto/EwBMVQ | 136.24993359094984 | 3068.2219630061654 | 22.519071254871914 |
BASE/quartoSuicide/-23jUg | 142.62338979907264 | 3074.0666666666666 | 21.55373442601106 |
BASE/wargame02/BkVqqQ | 263.81430161091737 | 1183.2989141296382 | 4.485347863645425 |
DRESDEN/checkers/jIDMIg | 277.9552041913769 | 657.8273165862586 | 2.3666666666666667 |
BASE/wargame01/_GZFZg | 505.8902614270171 | 2283.0194967505417 | 4.512874966817096 |
BASE/wargame03/klXI8w | 597.5902944899443 | 1930.3426209838688 | 3.2302107962303106 |
BASE/pancakes88/l2Xaig | 780.8211778242677 | 18652.3 | 23.888055972013994 |
BASE/amazonsSuicide/dE1QEQ | 1367.6748363845406 | 117.23932077474132 | 0.08572163328285282 |
BASE/amazons/RKKZjw | 1595.6399816567853 | 116.64319171934882 | 0.0731011964229148 |
BASE/hitori/S8Gsyg | 1663.656401026564 | 1870.9462387094625 | 1.1245989481692191 |
DRESDEN/hitori/S8Gsyg | 1668.531245711642 | 1870.8591615010332 | 1.121261088942387 |
DRESDEN/battlebrushes/QHXV4A | 1901.356373937677 | 833.3277787035494 | 0.43828068747456406 |
DRESDEN/chinesecheckers4/-oVNYg | 2323.907487650267 | 2133.353321340529 | 0.9180026884364447 |
DRESDEN/farmers/S_ASnw | 3858.378854038199 | 5082.163927869071 | 1.3171759747102212 |
DRESDEN/crisscross/GsY16g | 70825.85616438357 | 4223.744292237443 | 0.05963562632316546 |
BASE/crisscross/ICagEg | 70906.72507749224 | 4200.013332000133 | 0.059232933511032135 |
DRESDEN/merrills/aYEzwA | Infinity | 1130.9345327336332 | 0.0 |
BASE/merrills/pku8Tg | Infinity | 1132.7386499800293 | 0.0 |
Games with errors:
Game | CADIAPLAYER_PROLOG:3.0 error message | REKKURA_BACKWARD_PROVER:1.0.0 error message |
DRESDEN/kalaha_2009/gcC8uA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/gt_staghunt/xPjLRA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/four_way_battle/xSOQXA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/freeforall/Lfp40Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/max_knights/hCipiA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/knightstourbig/TQUI2g | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/ticblock/Z2yNWQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/skirmishFinal2/gdB62Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/kalaha6x2x4/XS81Mg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/checkers-newgoals/IJOqXQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/knightsTour/mvtVIg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/skirmish/w4V6Vw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/colonelBlotto/jip21A | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/knightstour/cEwgNA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/pacman2p/4LEdQg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/cylinder-checkers/hlldmw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/4pttc/AL1k2Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/checkersTorusNoKings/pwb6oQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/gt_dollar/TGjqRw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/4pttc/9pB9AQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/chineseCheckers3/-1rZdQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/gt_ultimatum/GE-uOA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/vacuumcleaner_random/_6AGDA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/snake_2009/zIYLVw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/skirmish/RjGQYQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/ticblock/T21C1g | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/four_way_battle/xSOQXA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/ad_game_2x2/D0aWqg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/nonogram_5x5_1/qLKEZw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/Goldrush/VeWczQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/queens08lg/Ru7eqQ | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
BASE/duplicateStateMedium/U163eQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/nonogram_10x10_1/0Xc62g | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/gt_tinfoil/Q8DyKg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/shmup/ssTNlg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/pacman3p/rBnk8Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/battlesnakes2011/93VtTw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/skirmish2/iPpWhQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/grid_game2/kypTYQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/statespacelarge/8-y5HQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/chinesecheckers3/QsCb2A | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/solitaireChineseCheckers/-ET6gw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/snake_2009_big/DgC1NQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/pacman3p/wW7UVQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/babel/WdSW4A | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/stateSpaceMedium/3bUoIw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/gt_centipede/9fRMpw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/rainbow/_4qNSQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/factoringImpossibleTurtleBrain/kcBhdw | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
BASE/rubiksCube/9tNO9Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/checkers-mustjump-torus/cVc3gA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/gt_attrition/kD_SCA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/queens31lg/0gID-A | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
BASE/knightsTourLarge/M8jgLA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/checkers-suicide-cylinder-mustjump/YeW5Tw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/gt_chicken/CeuKtw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/dualrainbow/G3OnRQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/madness/UO_B3A | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/gt_prisoner/klthDw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/snake_2008_tweaked/bX0NJQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/statespacemedium/dVJZ_w | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/othelloSuicide/B442jg | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
DRESDEN/smallest_4player/ADDROA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/snakeAssemblit/UO4sdg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/vacuumcleaner_random_big/DwzFaQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/kalaha5x2x3/WviNsw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/eightpuzzle/W_aWbA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/checkersonabarrelnokings/Zrevdw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/checkers-mustjump/HUr33w | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/pilgrimage/ObRZnQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/chineseCheckers1/gqtwHw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/mineClearingSmall/frsbvw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/chineseCheckers6/rREH3A | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/ruleDepthExponential/UamhHQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/beatMania/qUHwvQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/snake_2009_big/-oRfVw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/cylinder-checkers/clOO3Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/crissrace/ERWGDA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/snake_2008/E56l3A | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/gt_prisoner/huCp4w | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/brawl/6Ymo_Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/duplicateStateLarge/dcjyuw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/battle/8oAvhQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/checkers-suicide-cylinder-mustjump/L2BYWg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/chinook/osFbPA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/smallest_4player/ADDROA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/alquerquezero/uVgA_A | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/checkersTorus/2vm1EQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/4pffa/Q3ADlg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/skirmishFinal3/-Olhfw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/max_knights/2fq3Ag | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/othello-cornercontrol/r5Gdlg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/towerworld/HCX34w | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/snake_2008/i6K26g | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/colonelBlottoVariant/X-n-KQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/stateSpaceLarge/0Ge_CQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/knightstourmedium/x1wu8Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/battle/8oAvhQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/statespacesmall/h-NqjA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/2player_normal_form_2010/NG_Kdg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/ruleDepthLinear/OUBJpQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/alexChess/LNo83g | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
DRESDEN/knightstour/cGISAA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/kalaha_2009/dRiN3g | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/chineseCheckers2/eCMR3Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/checkers-newgoals/0XkFiA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/copolymer_4/2LDVhQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/2pffa/6oHijA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/gt_two_thirds_2p/1APDGg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/strangeSkirmish/gc1zKA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/vacuumcleaner_obstacles_1/CqS-7A | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/smallest/9kaGFw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/brawl/2kXtfQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/3pffa/pR0dzA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/battlesnakes1509/-qZrLw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/skirmishNew/sibw2g | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/gt_coordination/IVMOzA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/chinesecheckers2/06E6-Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/crissrace/KWb9bw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/knightwar/7hhAqg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/vacuumcleaner_obstacles_2/Y-R7tA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/skirmishHoles/AUCxCA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/skirmishfinal/hzq8ww | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/chinesecheckers6-simultaneous/gPPGUw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/dualhunter/1rPZjQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/gt_chicken/gmepTQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/SC_TestOnly_enabled/09o7gQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/cephalopodMicro/9l2D3g | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
BASE/snake_2009/7l-qAQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/checkers-mustjump/T-8UuQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/Travelers-Dilemma/PvZwYw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/point_grab/V_osUg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/skirmish3/3LU8Nw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/vacuum_cleaner_1/eUNjpw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/checkers-cylinder-mustjump/vW_-pA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/checkers-cylinder-mustjump/rjr6qQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/stateSpaceSmall/Q7osKA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/othelloHoles/c0qAzw | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
DRESDEN/chinesecheckers6/yTbPDA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/skirmishFinal1/ecWTnQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/checkersBarrelNoKings/rnKNeg | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/3pffa/0YrmQw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
STANFORD/hunter/14dD-g | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/logistics/fPru1Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/skirmish/Y_psYQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/amazonsTorus/soxT8g | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
DRESDEN/CephalopodMicro/H3XQfg | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
DRESDEN/gt_ultimatum/pAiiQw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/point_grab/r5DPmQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/copolymer_4_pie/IN5_jA | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/colonelBlottoVariant2/jruwGw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/knightwar/DVGY4Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/checkers-mustjump-torus/uSApKQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
BASE/duplicateStateSmall/bCPAXw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | |
DRESDEN/laikLee_hex/ZeP3QQ | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
BASE/mummymaze1p/PT_EXA | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
BASE/laikLee_hex/zbyscQ | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
DRESDEN/mummymaze1p/AekgaQ | Test process timed out after 240 seconds | |
BASE/gt_two_thirds_4p/DStnxQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | Test process timed out after 240 seconds |
BASE/queens/HyJJnQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | IllegalArgumentException: too many occurrences: 2147484126 |
BASE/gt_two_thirds_6p/867v3Q | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | Test process timed out after 240 seconds |
BASE/slaughter/cOch8A | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | Test process timed out after 240 seconds |
DRESDEN/vacuumcleaner_obstacles_3/4NjSmw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | Test process timed out after 240 seconds |
BASE/sudoku/NTaNkw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | Test process timed out after 240 seconds |
DRESDEN/queens/mW2wHQ | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | IllegalArgumentException: too many occurrences: 2147484126 |
DRESDEN/vacuumcleaner_obstacles_5/fXBV4g | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | Test process timed out after 240 seconds |
DRESDEN/vacuumcleaner_obstacles_6/NVwsZw | Test process failed to output results for unknown reason | Test process timed out after 240 seconds |